[Tutor] List Python Question..Please help

Amit Saha amitsaha.in at gmail.com
Sat Sep 28 07:39:51 CEST 2013

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Jacqueline Canales
<jackiexxduh3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you guys so much i was able to figure it out. I definitely thought to
> much into the the problem and made it harder on myself. Cant thank you
> enough for assisting me. I have one more problem with the coding tho.
> composers = ['Antheil', 'Saint-Saens', 'Beethoven', 'Easdale', 'Nielsen']
> new_list = []
> person = new_list
> for person in composers:
>     if person[0].lower() == person[-1].lower():
>         print(person)
> Output:
> Saint-Saens
> Easdale
> Nielsen

Great work!

> composers = ['Antheil', 'Saint-Saens', 'Beethoven', 'Easdale', 'Nielsen']
> new_list = []
> person = new_list
> for person in composers:
>     if person[0].lower() == person[-1].lower():
>         new_list.append(person)
>         print(new_list)
> output:
> ['Saint-Saens']
> ['Saint-Saens', 'Easdale']
> ['Saint-Saens', 'Easdale', 'Nielsen']

> How can i make the output of the names into just one individual list.

You mean, just print it once? The last line of your output?

Just print after the loop is over.


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