[Tutor] Creating To Do List Program - Questions

Rafael Knuth rafael.knuth at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 12:17:28 CEST 2013

Hej there,

apologies if you're receiving my mail for a second time, I had some
issues with Google and I just want to make sure you will receive my

I am writing a to do list program in Python 3.0.

Last week, I shared my first iteration on the mailing list, and the
feedback was that I should learn how to create, write to and read from
a text file – which I did. Below please find my second iteration. I
know my program is super cheesy & primitive, but I don’t care, it does
what I expect it to do, and I will improve it in further iteration
cycles. As of now, I want to understand how I can add further
functionalities to my program such as: appending items to the list,
removing and replacing items. Can anyone help? Thank you very much in


Welcome World's Most Geeky To Do List Program

G E E K L I S T  1 . 0

If you want to add items to the list, enter:

text_file = open("ToDoList.txt", "w")
text_file.write("add your item here ")
text_file.write("add action item here ")
text_file.write("you get the point, right?")

If you want to print your to do list, enter:

text_file = open("ToDoList.txt", "r")

We are constantly improving our program, watch out for version 2.0!


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