[Tutor] Creating To Do List Program - Question

Rafael Knuth rafael.knuth at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 13:12:49 CEST 2013

Hej there,

@Alan @Joel:
I didn't know that pouring corn on newbies is the purpose of a tutor
mailing list.
Why don't you try writing a program instead? Why don't you use the cat
interpreter instead?
I tried my best and that's what I came up with, and I am eager to
learn form experienced programmers - step by step at my own pace and
in my own manner. Hence, I find your responses arrogant,
self-righteous and discouraging.

I do not understand why you don't consider what I wrote not a program
("Hello World!" in a more elaborate form), as the user is actually
able to a list, to write to and reads from it (in a very primitive
manner though).  Can anyone explain? However, I find that hint to
learn to use SQLite - thank you for that.

All the best,



On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:43 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> On 29/09/13 21:42, Rafael Knuth wrote:
>> iteration. I know my program is super cheesy & primitive, but I don’t
>> care, it does what I expect it to do,
> Really? You wrote a program that printed out a different
> program to the one you ran and that's what you wanted?
> It doesn't do anything about creating a ToDo list.
> It doesn't even bring you any closer to creating a ToDo list.
> Now, if instead of just printing it you actually ran
> the code you print it might actually get you somewhere
> closer.
> But at the moment your program is exactly equivalent to
> print('Hello world')
> except more verbose in its message.
>> print("""
>> Welcome World's Most Geeky To Do List Program
>> G E E K L I S T  1 . 0
>> If you want to add items to the list, enter:
>> text_file = open("ToDoList.txt", "w")
>> text_file.write("add your item here ")
>> text_file.write("add action item here ")
>> text_file.write("you get the point, right?")
>> text_file.close()
>> If you want to print your to do list, enter:
>> text_file = open("ToDoList.txt", "r")
>> print(text_file.read())
>> text_file.close()
>> We are constantly improving our program, watch out for version 2.0!
>> """)
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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