[Tutor] understanding Functions help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 7 10:40:22 CEST 2014

On 07/04/14 05:02, keith papa wrote:
> Hi my name is keith and am new to python programming, Am learning python
> for the first time with the help of coursera problem is am starting a
> new topic call functions in python and am totally lost. can you please
> help me understand how function work? why it use in python, what are the
> rules of function etc.

Hi Keith,

Functions are basically mini programs that you can call from inside your 
program. You have probably used them already lots of times.
For example things like print() (In Python v3), len() and range() are 
functions. There are many more that are built in to Python.

But Python also lets you define your own functions.
There are several reasons for doing this:
1) Functions make your code easier to understand. By bundling
    up a bunch of code that does something into a function and
    giving it a sensible name your code is easier to read.
2) Functions are reusable, they save you having to repeat
    the same set of code over and over in your program.
    Once you learn about modules you will also be able
    to reuse them across different programs.
3) Functions are easier to test. You can write a function
    and test it independently from the rest of your program.
    If your program is mostly made up of functions you can
    test all of the functions separately. Then testing the
    whole program is easier because you know that each
    small function works, so you only need to focus on
    the glue holding them together.

The last point will really only make sense to you once
you start writing bigger programs. And functions are
one of the keys to building bigger programs.

As to the rules of how to create functions. you follow a standard pattern.

def FunctionName(optional parameter list):
     code that does the function
     return some value(s) here

You then call it like this

aVariable = FunctionName(some values here)

Now you probably don't understand all of that (or any of it?)
But if you send a reply back to the list(hit Reply ALL)
highlighting the bits you don't get. Asking extra questions
where needed, then we can focus our replies where you
need them.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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