[Tutor] question about strip() and list comprehension

Jared Nielsen nielsen.jared at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 04:06:50 CEST 2014

Thanks Danny!
That was an awesome explanation.

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at hashcollision.org> wrote:

>> if line.strip()
>> Is that stripping the line of white space at the same time that it is
>> testing it?
> Two features about Python:
> 1.  Strings are immutable, so the above is computing what a
> whitespace-stripped line would look like.  So that means that
> 'line.strip()' is doing just a computation: it's not mutating the original
> line, but computing a new string that has its leading and trailing
> whitespace stripped away.
> 2.  Empty strings are treated as false values.  I'm not happy with how
> loose Python treats truth, and would rather prefer:
>     if line.strip() != "": ...
> so that the thing being tested is explicitly either True or False.  I like
> my truth to be black and white, but I suppose I'll have to grimace and bear
> the fuzziness.  :P
> Together, we see those two features allow us to look at the test in the
> Python code:
>    if line.strip(): ...
> and rephrase it in English as:
>    "If the line consists of at least one non-whitespace character: ..."

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