[Tutor] Error

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 22 02:08:59 CEST 2014

On 21/04/14 19:41, Geocrafter . wrote:
> im trying to make a board, and is detecting the pieces. Here is my
> code:http://pastebin.com/L3tQLV2g And here is the error:
> http://pastebin.com/4FiJmywL  Do you knwo hwo to fix it?

You are passing in a cell location that results in an index out of range.

Try figuring out what happens when x is 6 for example.

BTW Cant you combine those two enormous if statements into one by just 
passing ionm the test character(x or y) as an parameter?
Like this:

def check_around(x, y, test='x'):
    if test == 'x': check = 'o'
    elif test == 'o': check = 'x'
    else: raise ValueError

    if board[x][y] == test:
       if board[x - 3][y - 3] == check or board[x - 2][y - 3] == check
       or board[x - 1][y - 3] == check or...

However even better would be to get rid of the huge if statement and 
replace it with loops to generate the indices. Pythons range function 
can deal with negatives too:


 >>> print list(range(-3,4))

to see if that gives you any ideas.

Finally your mqain code doesn't appear to do anything very much...

     for x in range (0, 7):
         for y in range (0, 7):
             check_aroundx(x, y)

This only checks the x cells. It would be better practice
to have the function return a result that you can print
externally. Maybe return a list of touching cells say?

             # sys.stdout.write ("%c" % (board[x][y]))

And these two lines don't do anything much.

Just some thoughts.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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