[Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

Jorge Leon jorge.a.leon.g at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 02:59:59 CEST 2014

Thank you Steve and Dave for the prompt response and advise, and sorry
about the format.

The version of Python I'm working under is 2.7.5. About the .super():
I'm going to try out the format you gave me for the files, and yes:
that's exactly how I had it. Something that has stuck from all the C++
programming I'm doing, which also leads me to believe that it may be
better for me to step away from using .super() if I don't get the
program to work as intended when I apply your advise.

Going to consult more tutorials from the page about inheritance and
operator and function overloading.



On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Dave Angel <davea at davea.name> wrote:
> Jorge Leon <jorge.a.leon.g at gmail.com> Wrote in message:
> I think Steven has nailed your main problem,  but I have two other
>  suggestions:
> Use text mail, not html.  This is a text list, and it can make a
>  difference in half a dozen ways. Any decent email program has a
>  way to select that.
> When showing an error,  include the whole traceback.  Steven would
>  not have had to guess if you had. The file names would show
>  him/us for sure.
> --
> DaveA
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