[Tutor] Difficulty in getting logged on to python.org; want to resubscribe at the beginner level; finding "While" Loops in Python 3.4.0 to be extremely picky

C Smith illusiontechniques at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 00:09:26 CEST 2014

You can get python 3.4 to work on your mac, but it has 2.5 or 2.4 which the
OS uses and things can get very messed up if you don't know what you are
doing. You should use virtualbox to run virtual OS's on your mac without
messing up your main computer.

You should probably describe what kind of error you are getting when trying
to log in to the website.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Stephen Mik <
mik.stephen at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:

> Dear Sir(s):
>     My name is Stephen W. Mik,my email address is "mik.stephen at yahoo.com";
> and I am having trouble logging on to the "Python Tutor Site". I
> desperately need HELP with a Python 3.4.0 "Guess A Number" Homework
> Assignment 4 which is due VERY SOON.. I recognize,and acknowledge,that I am
> a Python Programming amateur and some of my questions may seem trivial or
> naive;but a guy has to start somewhere.I was briefly on the mailing list
> for a few days;unsubscribed Apr. 24,2014,and now I want to get back in,but
> am having trouble doing so. I have to do my programming in a shared
> computer lab(on Windows machines) Mondays,Tuesdays,Thursdays and limited
> hours on Friday because my home computer is a 2007 MacIntosh which I  can't
> configure to run Python 3.4.0. Anyway,people,I need help with Python as
> soon as I can get it.Thanks.
> SINCERELY,Stephen W. Mik
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