[Tutor] Stephen Mik-Almost Brand New to Python 3.4.0-"Guess My Number" program is syntactically correct but will not run as expected

Stephen Mik mik.stephen at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 19:32:06 CEST 2014

Dear Python Tutor:
    Well,I am Stephen Mik,and I'm a beginning,rookie programmer who is just trying to get a class Assignment going. The instructor of my class does not accept email and she is not on Campus on Monday. So,my only recourse is to turn to Python Tutor for assistance.

    My program, Assignment4,does run partially. You can see the results of the Python Shell attached to this email. I also have included part of my code for your perusal.

    I must be doing something very wrong. The program is supposed to run a main loop ,for control of the program. The program DOES print out the prompts before the While Loop, but when it comes to a variable named"smv_guessNumber" the program DOES NOT prompt for the input for "smv_guessNumber" as it should. It is a mystery to me as to why the program will not get to the "smv_guessNumber=int(input("Think out a first guess:")". I am mystified why it doesn't reach that point in the program! Can anyone please help? I have attached the Python Traceback Error Output,which shows that at least part of the program IS working. I also have attached part of the code for the Assignment 4 which should help in the debugging.I need help ASAP,another program is due very soon and I have not even worked out the pseudocode for it yet!
CONCERNED,Stephen W. Mik
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