[Tutor] "Guess My Number" Python 3.4.0 Program partially fixed but now has Logic Errors-by Stephen Mik-novice programmer-getting desperate
Stephen Mik
mik.stephen at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 29 20:38:21 CEST 2014
Dear Sir(s):
I am new to Python programming,and I have a "Guess My Number" program which partially works. The main while control works,the guessing of an integer between 1 and 60 seems to give the "too high" or "too low" elif branches effectively. However,when the correct number is guessed the "elif" for the Congratulatory Message does not print out,and the number of attempts at guessing the mystery number does not print out. Instead, the program apparently goes into the main while control loop again and queries the User if they want to run the program again. I have attached a sample Python Shell run;along with code fragments of the relevant areas. Anybody,please help me work out this code and get "Guess My Number" correctly running.
CONCERNED,Stephen W. Mik
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