[Tutor] New to Python
Jordan Smallwood
jsmallwood82 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 14:56:35 CEST 2014
I never got a response. Should I check my spam?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:57 AM, Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 26/04/2014 23:53, jordan smallwood wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am new to Python. I mean completely new and we're working on this
>> problem set in class where they give us specs and we have to build
>> something based off these specs. I have no idea what they're asking.
>> Could someone help get me started on the path to figuring this out?
>> Below is the question:
>> 1. Write a program module with at least two functions. Follow this
>> specifi- cation exactly for these two functions:
>> 1.
>> (a) One function, CalculateCentimeters, receives a value in inches
>> and returns the equivalent value in centimeters.
>> centimeters =2.54×inches
>> 2.
>> (b) The other function, CalculateInches receives a value in centime-
>> ters and returns the equivalent value in inches. inches
>> =centimeters/2.54
>> ... but you don’t 2.54 in your code 2 times. It’s a good candidate to be
>> a module-level constant.
>> Specified instructions about the internals of code, i.e., the names of
>> your functions and how they behave, is called theinternal specification.
>> It tells you, the author of the function, as well as programmers who
>> call your function, how to call it and what to expect when it is called.
>> You must following them exactly or call a meeting of your programming
>> team because your choices here affect the others.
>> For this exercise, you design the rest of the functions for your
>> program, but be careful to keep all the code in functions.
>> Invent and arrange functions as you wish to ask the user for:
>> (a) a value
>> (b) a unit of measure
>> and call the appropriate function to print out the value in the other
>> unit of measure.
>> Specified instructions about the user’s view of your code (like just
>> given) is called the external specification. Often the paying customer
>> gives these directions so you must follow them exactly, doing things in
>> the order given; but in this case, the internal design is up to you.
> What did you not understand about the answers you received to your original question "Help with an assignment"? Or if you could not be bothered to reply to either Alan Gauld or Dave Angel, why should we now waste our time attempting to help you?
> --
> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.
> Mark Lawrence
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