[Tutor] Installing Python 2.5.4 on Windows 8 Questions

Kelvin Baumgart kabaumgert94 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 06:02:05 CEST 2014

My current OS is Windows 8 unfortunately. I'm definitely desiring to change
this however for the time being I require an external DVD burner to obtain
backups/OS before I can really progress. For the time being I'm recently
someone who has an unparalleled drive towards becoming a programmer. I'd
imagine seeing someone attempting to install an older version of Python may
be out of the norm. As my ambition to pursue skills I've began an online
course on "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming" which is being
taught through MIT. Their curriculum is centered on 2.5.4 however any 2.5
or 2.6 versions are allegedly acceptable accordingly to the syllabus. I'm
literally what you could consider an absolute novice who's just starting
dabbling with this sort of thing, so please look past any naivety that
probably engulfs this email. Essentially if you could help get started with
installation by giving me professional input towards what OS or anything
else relevant to my cause I will be greatly appreciative for your time and
effort. Without saying I've browsed through the forms and FAQ yet I've
haven't quite seen any particular thread that has these exact variables I
face. I hope to hear back from you soon, and look forward to receiving
guidance from those with expertise on such a trivial problem.

Sincerely Kelvin B
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