[Tutor] how do I make my code better?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 19 02:55:35 CEST 2014

On 18/08/14 20:18, keith papa wrote:
> Am a newbie and I decided to code a program that you input a round
> number and  spit out the list of names or other information? how do I
> make this better? how do I make the code repeat itself, so I can keep
> asking the program to print out list of names for a variable?

Have you come across the while loop?

It looks like this:

while <some condition>:
     do stuff here

So for your program it should look something like:

while True:  # loop forever
     answer = raw_input(....
     if answer = 'quit':
        break   # exits the loop
     elif answer = ....
        as before

If while loops are new to you then you will find more info in
the Loops topic of my tutorial (see .sig).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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