[Tutor] Parsing txt file

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu Aug 21 00:09:16 CEST 2014

Dima Kulik <dexternet89 at mail.ru> Wrote in message:

Please post in text mode. The html mode you used can cause
 multiple problems. 

Please specify your Python version and os version in any new
 thread.It sometimes makes a big difference in the

Your primary problem is that you don't close the files.

But you should start by writing a specification. I'm not sure what
 you mean by all stings. I'd assume you mean all lines. But that's
 not what the code does. The code is looking at every word of
 every line. Perhaps you mean the first word of the input

You say the output is clear,  by which I'm guessing you mean the
 output file is empty. Since there could 
be many causes for that,
 I'd suggest adding appropriate print statements to see what

I'd also suggest removing the call to readlines. It doesn't change
 the result,  and causes several problems.  One is that input _
 file is not a File, but a list.  It becomes impossible to close
 it, and if the file is large it wastes memory. 


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