[Tutor] Parsing txt file

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Thu Aug 21 00:48:35 CEST 2014

> i need to export to file all stings which start from "Name"
> I've tried to make little parser:
> keywords = ['Name', 'Name:']
> input_file=open("Mail_Groups.txt","r").readlines()
> output_file=open("Out.txt","w")
> for line in input_file:
>     for word in line.split():
>         if word in keywords:
>             output_file.write(line)
> but the output is clear.


1.  How are you determining that the output is clear?  I don't know
what you mean by "output is clear".

2.  Does your program close() the file that it is writing to?  See:


as to why this may be important.

3.  Your problem description says:

    i need to export to file all stings which start from "Name"

but the code here:

    for word in line.split():
        if word in keywords:

is doing much more than what is required.  It is checking whether
"Name" shows up anywhere on the line, not just as part of the name of
the left-hand-side key.  Is that ok?

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