[Tutor] Development of administration utility

Alessandro Di Bella alessandro.dibella at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 13:01:14 CEST 2014


We are currently investigating different languages and technologies to 
develop an command line administration utility.
Python is one of the options we are looking at for the job but currently 
we have no relevant skill set so I thought I'd post some question to get 
an idea if using python is something worth pursuing or not.

The utility should have the following characteristics:

 1. support for sub commands and parameters (e.g. svn or git)
 2. integration with bash_completion
 3. Modular. The idea would be that by installing different  packages
    (or RPMs), new sub-commands and parameters will be made available to
    the utility. E.g.,
     1. "Base" package is installed: subcommand available is "view-config "
     2.   "Base" and "database" package are installed, subcommands
        available are "view-config" and "backup-db"
 4. Support for executing remote commands via ssh

I have no doubt that with enough effort, a Python application could be 
developed to implement the above.
However, I'm not too sure if Python is the right tools for the job 
particularly about point 3:

 1. Is there a built-in discovery mechanism like Java SPI
 2. Are there any libraries/framework we could build upon or would we 
    need to start from scratch?
 3. Should we consider 2.x or 3.x in order to ensure cross system
    compatibility (linux, windows)?

Any feedback on any of the points above would be greatly appreciated.



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