[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 126, Issue 64

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Aug 27 09:30:24 CEST 2014

On 27/08/14 02:41, Najam Qasim wrote:
> What is preferable method to debug and execute python code in Mac?
> I do not like the cmd/terminal execution.

That is a very personal choice. You don't tell us what you don't
like about the terminal or what features you consider important
in your choice of tools. You also don't tell us if you have any previous 
programming experience and what tools you used there.

On the basis that you want a non CLI tool I can only offer some 
suggestions in increasing order of complexity:

Emacs Python mode - If you use emacs for other programming languages 
then this will be familiar to you. Integrates Python development with 
the other emacs functions. Really only a sensible option if you
already use emacs.

IDLE - comes with Python, offers a very basic GUI text editor
and debugger in addition to a Python >>> prompt.

IPython - offers a more sophisticated version of the >>> prompt 
including notebook facilities for retrieving previous sessions
(and much more)

XCode - The standard developers tool on a Mac. Integrates
with GUI tools for building Cocoa applications

Eclipse - The industry standard IDE supports editing, execution
and debugging of code plus integration with version control.
Also has plugins for a host of other functions such as design
and testing.

Netbeans - Another popular tool in industry, similar to Xcode
and Eclipse in complexity and power.

You will need to look at the various web sites and try them
out to decide which one suits you best.

There are some commercial tools too but I've stuck with
free for now.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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