[Tutor] how import a module upon instantiation of a class?

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 31 22:17:09 CEST 2014


I want to import a module upon instantiation (not definition) of a class. What is the best way to do this? In my case, I need the "icu" module in only one place/class of the program. If that class won't be used, I don't want to have an ImportError. Also, it might be nice to do the imports only when you actually need that functionality. It's probably not really PEP-compliant to put the imports somewhere else than at the top of the module, but I can live with that.

import some_nonbuiltin  # I don't want it here!

class KlassA(object):
    import some_nonbuiltin  # nope

    def __init__(self):
        some_nonbuiltin = __import__("some_nonbuiltin") # idem

        x = some_nonbuiltin.blah()

class KlassB(object):
    """some_nonbuiltin not needed here! """

    def __init__(self):




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