[Tutor] Need help!

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 00:19:12 CET 2014

On 12 December 2014 at 12:46, Jagannath Ramanan
<jagannath.ramanan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sir / Madam,
> My name is jag.

Hi Jag,

> I need little bit of help understanding something. I have a
> vncserver running at the background in redhat. My client is lubuntu where
> im using python.
> For some reason the communication is only possible between them is to send
> custom TCP/IP messages. Im not a hardcore developers. I can do scripts and
> i have used gtk python for front ends etc.
> *The TCP /IP message length is:*
> TCP/IP: 37 bytes of message + 16 bytes of header = 53 bytes Raw Serial: 37
> bytes message + 16 bytes of header + 2 bytes of trailer = 55 bytes
> I have no idea how i would code something like that in python to make it
> talk to the server.
> Any any help or guidance is sincerely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!!

I'm don't really understand from your description what needs to be
done so I can't offer any code that would do it.

However I see that there is a module called vncdotool on PyPI here:

Apparently that module is made to speak to VNC servers. Perhaps you
could give it a try.


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