[Tutor] help me

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Sat Feb 1 19:28:45 CET 2014

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 8:55 PM, hind fathallah
<hind_fathallah at yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi can you answer this question for me plz

[question omitted]

Many of us probably could answer this.

But this is not a homework-answering mailing list.  The problem itself
is not interesting to us.  What is interesting is why the problem is
giving you trouble.  We'd rather focus on where you are having
difficulty: we'd rather help *you*.

Tell us what you've tried, where you're getting stuck, what other
kinds of problems you've done that are similar to this one.  That is,
show us what general problem solving strategies you're using now.
Maybe some of those strategies are not working for you.

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