[Tutor] Traversing lists or getting the element you want.

David Hutto dwightdhutto at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 00:44:32 CET 2014

On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Kipton Moravec <kip at kdream.com> wrote:

> I am new to Python, and I do not know how to traverse lists like I
> traverse arrays in C. This is my first program other than "Hello World".
> I have a Raspberry Pi and they say Python is the language of choice for
> that little machine. So I am going to try to learn it.
> I have data in the form of x, y pairs where y = f(x) and is non linear.
> It comes from a .csv file.
> In this case x is an integer from 165 to 660 so I have 495 data sets.
> I need to find the optimal locations of three values of x to piecewise
> linear estimate the function.
> So I need to find i, j, k so 165 < i < j < k < 660 and the 4 line
> segments [(165, f(165)), (i, f(i))], [(i, f(i)), (j, f(j))], [(j, f(j),
> (k, f(k))], [(k, f(k)), (660, f(660))].
> So as you iterate through the minimize function below, you want something
like this, I believe:

    if (165 < i) and (i < j) and (j < k) and (k < 660):
        print 'true'
        print 'false'

> The value I need to minimize is the square of the difference between the
> line estimate and the real value at each of the 495 points.
> I can do this in C. To keep it simple to understand I will assume the
> arrays x[] and y[] and minsum, mini, minj, and mink are global.
> I have not tested this but this is what I came up with in C. Assuming
> x[] and y[] are already filled with the right values.
> int x[495];
> double y[495];
> max_elements = 495;
> double minsum;
> int mini, minj, mink
> #We define some vars before utilizing them x,and y are list comprehension
# You said int for x, so it's created in ints, and y is in floats
x = [num for num in range(0,496)]
# You said double for y, so the it's created in floats, and x is an int list
y = [float(num) for num in range(0,496)]
i = 0
j = 0
k = 0
max_elements = 495
mini = 0
minj = 0
mink = 0

> void minimize(int max_elements)
 def minimize(max_elements):

>     minsum = 9999999999999.0; // big big number
 minsum = float(9999999999999.0) # used float just to show as double

>     for (i=2; i<max_elements-6;i++)
>         for (j=i+2; j< max_elements -4; j++)
>              for (k=j+2; k< max_elements-2;k++)

for i in range(2,max_elements-6):
    print i
    for j in range(i+2,max_elements-4):
        print j
        for k in range(j+2,max_elements-2):
            print k

>              {
>                 sum = error(0,i);
>                 sum += error(i,j);
>                 sum += error(j,k);
>                 sum += error(k,495)
                sum = error(0,i)
                sum += error(i,j)
                sum += error(j,k)
                sum += error(k,495)

>                 if (sum < minsum)
>                 {
>                     minsum = sum;
>                     mini = i;
>                     minj = j;
>                     mink = k;
>                 }
>              }
> }

                if sum < minsum:
                    minsum = sum
                    mini = i
                    minj = j
                    mink = k

> double error(int istart, int iend)
> {
error(int istart, int iend):

> // linear interpolation I can optimize but left
> // it not optimized for clarity of the function
>     int m;
>     double lin_estimate;
>     double errorsq;
>     errorsq = 0;

    int m

    lin_estimate =

    errorsq = float(0) #just to show double = float type again

    errorsq = 0

>     for (m=istart; m<iend; m++)
>     {
>         lin_estimate = y[istart] + ((y[iend] - y[istart]) *
>                        ((x[m] - x[istart]) / (x[iend] - x[istart])));
>         errorsq += (lin_estimate - y[m]) * (lin_estimate - y[m]);
>     }
>     return (errorsq);
> }

for iterator in range(istart; iend):
        lin_estimate = y[istart] + ((y[iend] - y[istart]) * ((x[m] -
x[istart]) / (x[iend] - x[istart])))

        errorsq += (lin_estimate - y[m]) * (lin_estimate - y[m])

    return errorsq

> At the end the three values I want are mini, minj, mink;
> or x[mini], x[minj], x[mink]
> So how do I do this (or approach this) in Python?
> Loose Translation

> Kip
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I'll look at it a little more later on, unless someone' is less rusty in C
and Python than I am.

Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* *http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com <http://www.hitwebdevelopment.com>*
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