[Tutor] Any ideas

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Feb 4 13:05:05 CET 2014

 josh Malone <joshkmalone18 at gmail.com> Wrote in message:
> _______________________________________________
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First thing is to figure your goal.  "Model" might mean anything
 from "figure out how far they each go" to "plot the four
 trajectories in real time on a screen. " Or even "make
 robots traverse the course till they crash into each

Next,  figure how you'd solve it by hand.  Probably that includes
 figuring how far each will go and where they'll end

Assuming the real assignment is to come up with four lists of
 coordinates, figure you'll need a loop. Python's loop constructs
 are for and while.  If you have already figured the formula for
 how long they'll take, a for loop is most reasonable,  with an
 increment of perhaps a tenth of a second.

Now please post some code, tell us what doesn't work, and make
 sure it's a text message, not html.

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