[Tutor] Splitting email headers when using imaplib

Some Developer someukdeveloper at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 18:38:18 CET 2014

I'm currently trying to download emails from an IMAP server using 
Python. I can download the emails just fine but I'm having an issue when 
it comes to splitting the relevant headers. Basically I'm using the 
following to fetch the headers of an email message:

typ, msg_header_content = self.m.fetch(msg_id, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])')

then I can get a string containing the headers by accessing 
msg_header_content[0][1]. This works fine but I need to split the 
Subject header, the From header and the To header out into separate 
strings so I can save the information in a database.

I thought the following regular expressions would do the trick when 
using re.MULTILINE when matching them to the header string but 
apparently that appears to be wrong.

msg_subject_regex = re.compile(r'^Subject:\.+\r\n')
msg_from_regex = re.compile(r'^From:\.+\r\n')
msg_to_regex = re.compile(r'^To:\.+\r\n')

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this please? I'm at a 
loss here.

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