[Tutor] trace / profile function calls with inputs

Richard Cziva r.cziva.1 at research.gla.ac.uk
Sat Feb 8 17:36:13 CET 2014

Hi All,

I am trying to print out every function that is being called while my 
Python program is running (own functions and library calls too). I can 
not modify the Python programs I am trying to profile.

Let me give an example. A program contains a function like this:

def foo(x):
   y = math.cos(x)
   z = 1 + 1
   return x * 50

And it calls the function:

print foo(100)

I would like to retrieve an execution trace that shows me each function 
called with the value or hash of its arguments. According to the 
example, I am looking for a technique to extract something similar:


Things I have tried with only partial success:
- trace module
- profile module / cProfile

Could you suggest me a way of doing this?


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