[Tutor] Beginner - explaining 'Flip a coin' bug

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Wed Feb 12 21:48:30 CET 2014

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 02:08:17PM -0500, Dave Angel wrote:
>  Marc Eymard <marc_eymard at hotmail.com> Wrote in message:
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor
> > 
> Next time please post in text form rather than html, and actually
>  include the code you're asking us to comment on.

Dave, your tools are letting you down. Marc did post in text, and did 
include his code, as you can see from the multipart attachments to his 

  I     1 <no description>        [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 2.0K]
  I     2 ├─><no description>     [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.7K]
  I     3 └─><no description>     [text/html, quoted, iso-8859-1, 1.0K]
  A     4 coinflip.py             [text/x-script.p, base64, us-ascii, 0.6K]
  A     5 coinflip_WRONG.py       [text/x-script.p, base64, us-ascii, 0.6K]
  I     6 <no description>        [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.2K]

Perhaps it is time for you to give up on whatever tool you are using to 
read this mailing list, or at least to change your assumption when you 
see a contentless message from "Original poster didn't send email" to "I 
can't see the email".


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