[Tutor] Beginner - understanding randint arguments

Marc Eymard marc_eymard at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 15 17:25:34 CET 2014

Hello Tutor,

I need to generate a random integer between 0 and 100.

The range is supposed to be adjusted by my two variables:
low_range and high_range.

The logic of using the variables as part of the function arguments is to manage to get a smaller range each time the function is called excluding the possible repeat of the return value of randint.

Here is what happens in my script:

>>> import random
>>> low_range = -1
>>> high_range = 101
>>> random.randint(low_range + 1, high_range - 1)
>>> low_range
>>> high_range

I was rather expecting:

 >>> low_range
>>> high_range

Can somebody explain why both low_range and high_range are still returning their initial values ?

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