[Tutor] constructing semi-arbitrary functions

"André Walker-Loud <walksloud@gmail.com>" walksloud at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 01:45:16 CET 2014

OK - I have not seen an email from Peter.
So I looked up the thread online, and see I did not receive half the emails on this thread :O

My first inclination was to blame my mac mavericks mail gmail syncing problem.  but logging into gmail, I see no record of the emails there either.

I currently receive the tutor emails in the digest mode - thought I was paying attention to all the digests - but I seems to have missed many.

I apologize to all those who offered input whose emails I missed - I certainly wasn’t ignoring them.


On Feb 19, 2014, at 7:21 PM, eryksun <eryksun at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:59 PM, "André Walker-Loud
> <walksloud at gmail.com>" <walksloud at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, since you are chiming in, do you have an opinion in general about
>> which approach you prefer?  The string hacking vs class method (for lack
>> of better way to describe them)?
> I've never used iminuit before. I'd ask on a support forum to see what
> other people are doing. That said, if possible I'd use a closure like
> Peter showed:
>    def make_chisq_mn(x, y, dy):
>        def chisq_mn(*args):
>            return chisq(args, x, y, dy)
>        return chisq_mn
> Then combine that with the forced_parameters option that Peter
> mentioned. This seems simplest to me.

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