[Tutor] I can't understand where python class methods come from

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Feb 23 23:44:42 CET 2014

voger <vogernewsletters at yahoo.gr> writes:

> I have a really hard time understanding where methods are defined in
> python classes.

Reading the rest of your message, I think you're saying that you can't
locate *which* class defines a method

> […] With python everything looks like magic.

It can seem that way. Fortunately, most of the magic needs to be
explicitly declared in the code, so it's a matter of knowing what to
look for.

In this message, I'll guide you in when you should expect magic, and
where to look for it.

> Methods and properties appearing out of nowhere and somehow easing the
> task at hand. I am not complaining for their existence but I really
> can't understand how and what is defined so I can use it.

This is a valid complaint, and certainly some libraries can get rather
too clever with the “magic behaviour”, leading to difficulty in
understanding what is happening well enough to debug problems.

> Enough ranting and let me give an example of what I mean.
> Let's have a look at the pygeocoder library located here:
> http://code.xster.net/pygeocoder/src/8888c863f907f8a706545fa9b27959595f45f8c5/pygeolib.py?at=default

The important part of that file is the ‘GeocoderResult’ class
definition. It defines a lot of magic behaviour.

In general, the magic often happens with “dunder”-named attributes; that
is, attributes named with a leading and traling double-underscore.

An attribute named “__foo__” is a strong indication that it will be
treated specially and be invoked by the Python interpreter, *without*
the programmer needing to invoke the attribute by name.

Here is the class definition showing just the dunder-named attributes::

class GeocoderResult(collections.Iterator):


    def __init__(self, data):

    def __len__(self):

    def __iter__(self):

    def __getitem__(self, key):

    def __unicode__(self):

    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # Python 3
        def __str__(self):
            return self.__unicode__()

        def __next__(self):
            return self.return_next()
    else:  # Python 2
        def __str__(self):
            return self.__unicode__().encode('utf8')

        def next(self):
            return self.return_next()


    def __getattr__(self, name):

So already you should be on high alert: there is a large amount of
“magic” in this class! Seemlingly-simple uses of this class and its
instances will result in invocations of those custom methods, even
without seeing the names used explicitly.

> Some properties I can see them defined but some others like
> sublocality or administrative_area_level_1 I don't see them defined
> anywhere.

The specific magic happening here is that, when you access an attribute
on an object, Python will allow interception of that request by a custom
‘__getattr__’ method. As you can see, the ‘GeocoderResult’ class defines
that method for its instances, so you will need to look there for custom
behaviour when accessing attributes on instances of this class.


Similarly, the class defines ‘__getitem__’ to intercept ‘foo[bar]’, it
defines ‘__len__’ to intercept ‘len(foo)’, it defines ‘__iter__’ to
intercept attempts to iterate over an instance; and so on. Much magic!

Personally, I'm suspicious whether this class really needs to be so
awfully clever; it is certainly making the behaviour less intuitive, as
demonstrated in your case. It smells of a poor design.

> I hope I didn't bore you with this long text but this is really
> confusing for me and I hope someone can help me understand these
> things.

One good decision made by the Python core developers early on was a
convention of naming these special, magical-behaviour “hook” attributes
in a way that they are clearly special and signal to the reader that
Python will be using them implicitly.

So the general advice is to understand that any “dunder”-named attribute
needs to be researched, because it can be invoked *without* you
necessarily being aware of that.

Hope that helps!

 \            “Choose mnemonic identifiers. If you can't remember what |
  `\                mnemonic means, you've got a problem.” —Larry Wall |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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