[Tutor] sqlite3 import problem

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Fri Jan 3 04:00:29 CET 2014

Hi Matthew,

This might be an Ubuntu bug or deficiency.

The file you're looking for is for the underlying low-level C module
that bridges the world of SQLite and Python.  By all rights, this
would have been provided by something like the "python-pysqlite2"
package, but that package is for Python 2.

I have not been able yet to find the equivalent binary package for
Python 3, out of the list in:


and that seems unfortunate.  Does anyone with Ubuntu experience know
more information about this?

>From discussion on Stack Overflow, I see that people have been able to
compile Python 3 from scratch and things work:


Frankly, that seems somewhat overkill for the situation, but if you
really have to, that's one workaround.  It certainly sounds a bit
funky: is there something that stops the package developer from having
some 'python3-pysqlite2' package?  I'm very confused.

I'd recommend asking on an Ubuntu-related forum to confirm that this
is an Ubuntu or Debian problem, and then hopefully they'll be able to
point you in the right direction or get the gears moving to fix this.

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