[Tutor] What's in a name?

Keith Winston keithwins at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 07:28:00 CET 2014

Danny: I appreciate your point, but these are just for little code loops,
nothing I need to hold on to, like the snippet above: I'm just trying to
wrap a few things into one loop, which gives me flexibility about
expanding/contracting the stats, for example, that I print (by changing the
range list for "func"). Here's another code example, from my recent

def print_candl_info(garray):

    game_array, chute_nums, ladder_nums = {}, chutes, ladders
    list_index = 3
    for i in chute_nums.keys(): chute_nums[i] = 0  # zero all values
    for i in ladder_nums.keys(): ladder_nums[i] = 0
    for clkeys in ["chute_nums", "ladder_nums"]:  # increment candl values
        list_index += 1  # horrible kluge: must be 4 for chutes, 5 for
ladders below
        for corl in eval(clkeys):
            for game in garray:
                if corl in game[list_index]:
                    eval(clkeys)[corl] += 1
        print("total ", clkeys, "= ", sum(list(eval(clkeys).values())))

For the purposes of answering this question, ignore the horrible kluge.
Though if you have any suggestions on that point, I'm still all ears. Since
I couldn't figure out the right way to do that, I left it as more or less
the most unforgivable kluge I could find, so I won't be able to sleep until
I improve on it. Suggestions are welcome. If it's not obvious, it relies on
the fact that the clkeys iterates precisely twice. It might be that the
answer lies in rearranging my data structure... I'm about to post the
entire program again for any comments, once I clean it up just a BIT more,
so if it's not obvious don't worry about it.

game = [int, int, int, int, [], []]  # game[4] = chutes, game[5] = ladders
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