[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 115, Issue 28

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 12 01:37:12 CET 2014

On 12/01/14 00:17, Jerry Val wrote:
> I am trying to perfect myself in creating functions and looping, am
> using python 3,can you help me with a few basic tips so i can create my
> own functions and loops without making random mistakes?!

Please set a meaningful subject line, it makes finding posts in the 
archive much easier.

Also do not send the full digest content.
a) Most folks have already received the messages and don't want to see 
them, again
b) some folks pay for their bandwidth and don't want to pay for stuff 
they don't need
c) it obscures your message. Always cut it down to the lines that are 
pertinent. That way you are more likely to get sensible answers.

And for bonus points put your question after the cited context. Most 
readers prefer that to so called top posting.

As to your question. The best advice is to read what you type
And know what you are trying to do before you type it.
In other words, think about the design of your code don't
just type randomly. That way you are less likely to
get random errors.

Other than that we will need some more specifics about what kind of 
errors you are getting. Usually most folks make the same kind of errors 
over and over. But the kind varies by individual. So until we know your 
style we can't help much.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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