[Tutor] how run it on python 3

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Jan 21 01:30:49 CET 2014

>> In that thread, we asked the original questioner why they were having
>> difficulty.  But S Tareq responded in the way I would expect out of an
>> automated answering machine: that is, not at all.  This is not
>> encouraging: either he or she did not understand the question, or they
>> ignored the multiple requests for clarification.
> We're continuing this off-line at the moment and I'm reasonably convinced
> it's not an automated answering machine.
> And with any luck future posts won't be quite so diluted...

Ok.  If you do hear back, please keep the rest of the mailing list
informed.  I was waiting for some kind of response to the thread from
last week:


and when threads dangle like that, it feels like an unresolved
cliffhanger.  I do not like cliffhangers.  :P

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