[Tutor] Understanding Classes

Christian Alexander christian.h.alexander at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 05:20:43 CET 2014


The concept and purpose of classes is starting to sink in a little bit, but
I still haven't had my "Ah-ha" moment yet.  I just can't seem to visualize
the execution of classes, nor am I able to explain to myself how it
actually works.   For example:

    class Person:
        def __init__ (self, name, age):        # is self just a placeholder
for  an arbitrary object?  How does __init__ actually work?
            self.name = name                         # why assign name to
self.name variable?
            self.age  = age                               # same as previous
        def salute (self):                                 # again with the
            print ("Hello, my name is " + self.name +
                " and I am " + str(self.age) " years old.")

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 4:20 PM, spir <denis.spir at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01/19/2014 10:59 PM, Christian Alexander wrote:
>> Hello Tutorians,
>> Looked all over the net for class tutorials
>> Unable to understand the "self" argument
>> Attempting to visual classes
>> I have searched high and low, for easy to follow tutorials regarding
>> classes.  Although I grok the general concept of classes,  I am unable to
>> visually understand what exactly "self" does, or why it is even necessary.
>>   It seems very "magic" to me.  Also I am having the most difficult with
>> the
>> "__init__()" method in classes, and why that is also required.  Keep in
>> mind that I am a visual person (maybe I should have been a graphic
>> designer), therefore most programming concepts flow irritatingly slow for
>> me.
> Imagine that for an app you had to define 2 persons p1 & p2 (maybe game
> characters for instance). In an imaginary programming language, a
> definition of p1 could look like this:
>     p1 = {name="Maria", age=33}     # no good python code
> This would be a composite piece of data, made of 2 fields (attributes,
> properties...). In python there is no such generic type Object or Composite
> to which such data as p1 could belong. You must define a custom type
> (class) for them, eg:
>     class Person: pass
> Now, you can have p1 of type Person, which is written as if you would call
> the type Person, like a func, to make a new person (this is close to what
> happens):
>     p1 = Person()
> Then, one can define fields on it:
>     p1.name = "Maria"
>     p1.age = 33
>     print(p1.name, p1.age)
> We could do the same thing for p2:
>     p2 = Person()
>     p2.name = "paulo"
>     p2.age = 22
>     print(p2.name, p2.age)
> Now, say persons are supposed to do things, and all can do the same
> things. To define something all persons can do, you would define it on
> their class (this is the second purpose of a class), eg:
>     class Person:
>         def salute (self):
>             print ("Hello, my name is " + self.name +
>                 " and I am " + str(self.age) " years old.")
> As you can see, this method uses the attributes 'name' & 'age' we manually
> defined on both p1 & p2. Then, how does the method, which is defined on the
> type, not on individual objects, know where to find these attributes? You
> are right to say there is some magic at play here. Let us use the method
> first, before explaining:
>     p1.salute()
>     p2.salute()
> [Copy-paste & run all this code.] On the first call, we ask the method
> 'salute' to operate on p1, and it writes p1's name & age. Same for p2.
> Inside the method, the attributes are searched on the weird param called
> 'self'. This is just what happens: when calling a method, the object on
> which it operates is assigned to the parameter self. 'self' is just a name
> for the-object-on-which-this-method-operates-now. When it operates on p1,
> self is p1, thus attributes are searched on p1; same for p2. We need some
> placeholder because the method is defined on the type and works for any
> object of this type (any "instance"). [We can define a method on p1 which
> works on p1 only. Maybe try it.]
> Finally, if we define a whole range of persons that way, it is annoying to
> set all attributes manually. We could define a method, say 'def_attrs', to
> be called at startup. But python has a specially dedicated method for that,
> which we don't even need to call explicitely, named '__init__'. We will use
> it to set person attributes:
>     class Person:
>         def __init__ (self, name, age):
>             self.name = name
>             self.age  = age
>         def salute (self):
>             print ("Hello, my name is " + self.name +
>                 " and I am " + str(self.age) " years old.")
> (yes, init methods typically are as stupid as this; too bad python does
> not do the mechanical job automagically) And this is used like this:
>     p1 = Person("maria", 33)    # no need to call __init__ explicitely
>     p1.salute()
>     p2 = Person("paulo", 22)    # ditto
>     p2.salute()
> denis
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Christian Alexander
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