[Tutor] If, elif, else

Michael L. Pierre Michael.Pierre at ccpoa.org
Tue Jan 28 23:46:38 CET 2014

I am a newbie with Python (programming in general) and I am trying to create a program that will take user name and dob and pump out their age, while on a person's birthday the output not only states their name and age, but also prints out ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY***
I have gotten it resolved to the point that it understands leap  years and gives the correct age. My problem arises when a date is input that is the current month, but a future date (i.e. today's date is 1/28/2014 but the input dob is 1/30/1967) It skips over the elif option to subtract one year and prints out ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY***
I am only going to paste the non-leap year code, because the leap year code is basically identical.

#Leapyear calculations/decision
if leap_year != int:
    age_month = int(current_split[1]) - int(dob_split[1])
    #print age_month
    if age_month != 0:
        month_less = 1
        age = int(current_split[0]) - int(dob_split[0]) - month_less
        print "you are", age, "years old"
    elif age_month == 0 and int(current_split[2]) > int(dob_split[2]):
        age = int(current_split[0]) - int(dob_split[0]) - month_less
        print "you are", age, "years old"
       age = int(current_split[0]) - int(dob_split[0])
       print "You are", age, "and today is your birthday ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY***"

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Michael Pierre
CCPOA IT Specialist
916-372-6060 Ext. 221

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