[Tutor] Python shell wont open IDLE or an exisiting .py files

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Jan 30 05:16:52 CET 2014

Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> writes:

> On 1/29/2014 6:26 PM, shangonichols at sbcglobal.net wrote:
> >  > If I launch the Python GUI it opens a Python Shell fine. But as
> >  > soon as I try to open a file (including a "new" file), it closes
> >  > the Shell.
> This I do not. What is 'Python GUI'? What is 'Python Shell'?

Those are (part of) the names of menu entries created by the Python
installer for MS Windows. I am not sure exactly what programs they

 \       “… whoever claims any right that he is unwilling to accord to |
  `\             his fellow-men is dishonest and infamous.” —Robert G. |
_o__)           Ingersoll, _The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child_, 1877 |
Ben Finney

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