[Tutor] creating Turtle() object using 2 different ways

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 31 22:38:26 CET 2014

On 31/01/14 10:09, Ian D wrote:
> Hi
> Another quickie.
> I can create turtle objects (if that's the correct terminology) using 2
> different ways, both work.
> t1 = turtle.Turtle()
>   or
> t2 = turtle
> But which is the best practice... and why?
> import turtle
> t1 = turtle.Turtle()

This creates an instance of a turtle

> t2 = turtle

This is just a reference to the turtle module

> t1.fd(100)

This moves your specified instance of a turtle

> t2.goto(-100,100)
> t2.fd(100)

These move the global turtle object using the
module level functions.

If you want multiple turtles you should use
the first version.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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