[Tutor] Why is Quick Search at docs.Python.org so useless?

C Smith illusiontechniques at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 19:46:18 CEST 2014

I agree very much. I feel like I might have a learning disability when
I try to reference the official Python docs for something that seems
like it should be a very common task.

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Deb Wyatt <codemonkey at inbox.com> wrote:
> I am betting that a big reason newbies don't go straight to documentation for answers is because of the useless quick search.  You should be able to type 'dictionary' and get links to the dictionary info.  You get a bunch of links that are meaningless to someone who wants to learn about how to use dictionaries.  It frustrates me to death when I want to look up a detail about how a particular function works and I can't find it because quick search doesn't provide the link to the BASIC information.
> Another example of what I am talking about, I just did a search of max(), a BUILT-IN function.  This is what quick search gives me:
> Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories.
> What is up with that???
> I realize that this list doesn't have control over python.org, but there are enough of you who are experts about all this stuff that maybe some changes can be made.  If I ever learn enough, I hope to be part of the solution myself.  A working search engine would be most helpful.
> Yes, I use Google all that time. But quick search should be useful. Thanks in advance for any insights and help.
> Deb in WA, USA
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