[Tutor] What are your favourite unofficial resources

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 7 10:33:43 CEST 2014

>> On 30 June 2014 04:11, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:

>>>  I'm looking for tips for an appendix to a book that
>>>  I'm working on.
>>>  What are the best unofficial (ie not python.org)
>>>  resources for people who have learned the basics
>>>  but are not experts yet? ie Typical tutor list
>>>  "graduates"...
>>>  I'm thinking about web sites, blogs, books, videos etc.
>>>  Anything that might be worth knowing about.
>>>  I've got a few of my own - Activestate, O'Reilly,
>>>  ByteOfPython, PythonChallenge, ShowMeDo etc.
>>>  But I thought the tutor list readers might be an
>>>  interesting source of alternatives that I hadn't
>>>  thought of, or even heard of.
>>>  All contributions considered :-)

Not sure if this one has been mentioned already: effbot.org. An absolute must!

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