[Tutor] How to Create Webpage with Python

John Cast jdcast at stanford.edu
Thu Jul 10 03:30:05 CEST 2014

Thanks everyone for the tremendous and speedy support!

Here's a bit more information that I think would be useful:

I will be hosting this (for the foreseeable future at least) on my desktop.
There is another python script already written that generates the excel
spreadsheets (I did not write this).  That script will be ran on a fairly
frequent basis so the webpage will constantly have its information updated.

I'm in unfamiliar territory with the web stuff, but it sounds so far like I
will generate an HTML doc every time I run my script and then somehow turn
that HTML doc into a static site?  (My terminology is weak here I'm sure)
I use the term wiki very loosely.  I'm basically just wanting to write my
excel information (possibly with some formatting) to one page (or maybe one
page per excel sheet...not really sure...more worried about getting the
basics for right now) that others can then navigate to.  Interaction with
this page, is at the moment, unnecessary.

So this is what I have gathered from all of your input so far:

Excel - I didn't have a module in mind just yet, but it looks like xlrd is
my best bet

Web - Currently it looks like maybe static HTML page(s) generated every
time my script is run is the right way to go?
          It sounds like I need a server on my desktop?
          I need to create a site and host/serve this somehow using my
          I don't need a webframework to do this?
          Need some mechanism to get these HTML page(s) to my site?

I welcome any further input anyone is willing to give!


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk>

> On 09/07/2014 19:26, John Cast wrote:
>> First, please forgive any ignorance in my post here as I am not good
>> with HTML and new to python.
>> I have a bunch of excel spreadsheets (all in the same format) that I am
>> writing a python script to go through and pick out some information and
>> post to a wiki page. I'm new to python and have gone through some basic
>> tutorials. I feel confident that I can figure out how to read an excel
>> spreadsheet in python. However, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with
>> figuring out how to do the web stuff in python. The webpage doesn't
>> exist yet and I have envisioned that the wiki webpage is created once
>> and then simply update it every time the script is run. However, I don't
>> know much about how persistence works with webpages.
>> I have two main questions:
>> 1) Considering the webpage doesn't exist yet, do I need to 'serve' or
>> 'post' a webpage (as was brought up below)?
>> 2) How do I create this wiki webpage? and does this happen in python
>> every time the script is run?
>> 3) How do I send my data to this webpage?
>> I don't have to have full blown answers here, just a link or advice or
>> anything to help me with navigating all of the information out there on
>> Google.
>> Thanks
> For the excel side see http://www.python-excel.org/
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> Mark Lawrence
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