[Tutor] how do I set variables in Python 3.4

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jul 11 22:50:24 CEST 2014

On 11/07/14 06:50, Danielle Salaz wrote:
> I'm a noob to Python and cannot figure out how to complete one of my assignments.
> I am supposed to use operand1=2 and operand2=7
> To complete: result= operand1+operand2 etc, but

We need more detail.

How are you entering your code? Is it using a tool like
IDLE or an operating system console version of python?

Are you typing at the interactive python prompt,
usually looking like

 > I keep getting invalid syntax either on the " or operand1.

Please post the exact code you entered and the
full error message, do not summarize.

There is no " in the little bit code you posted.
And operand1 appears twice.
We need to see exactly what you are doing - what you
typed, and what Python told you was wrong.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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