[Tutor] Anti-Patterns in Python Programming

Deb Wyatt codemonkey at inbox.com
Sat Jul 12 06:50:54 CEST 2014

terns in Python Programming
> Hi Deb and others,
> Most are for people coming from different languages like C/C++, Java and
> so
> on (I myself am coming from C++ world, and can speak both C++ and
> Python).
> Unless if you're working on specific things, don't worry about some of
> the
> concepts until later (e.g. if you're working on variables, you might want
> to
> note down recommendation on lists, like loops and testing if a list is
> empty).
> As for learning new things, start with small steps first. In my opinion,
> it
> is better to have objectives on what you wish to learn, and if you want
> to
> speak Python fluently, learn the concepts until you can speak it in your
> sleep (you know what I mean). Also I recommend writing some things you
> truly
> wish to learn in Python so the tutors can recommend things you might want
> to
> go over before you learn your dream concept.
> Just in case I'm repeating a question that was asked here (as I'm new
> here),
> is python your first ever programming language?
> BTW, as a side note, for those who'd like to practice their skills, I
> highly
> recommend Code Eval (www.codeeval.com).
> Cheers,
> Joseph

Thank you for answering.  I used to be a Clipper/dBase programmer years 
ago. I got sick, couldn't work, and technology passed me by.  I've 
always been kind of ticked off that my career was short circuited 
because of illness, so I decided to see if I could get a handle on OOP. 
The more I learn about Python, the more I loved it. 

So much has been invented since my dos programming days and it is 
overwhelming, but I'm having the time of my life learning all this 
stuff. My head explodes quite often :).
Deb in WA, USA

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