[Tutor] While loop issue, variable not equal to var or var

Steve Rodriguez smrodriguez88 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 23:16:05 CEST 2014

Hey guys n gals,

New to python, having some problems with while loops, I would like to make
a program quick once q or Q is typed, but thus far I can only get the first
variable to be recognized. My code looks like:

    message = raw_input("-> ")
    while message != 'q':
        data = s.recv(2048)
        print str(data)
        message = raw_input("-> ")
    print("Shutting Down")

I've tried:

while message != 'q' or 'Q':
while message != 'q' or message != 'Q':
while message != ('q' or 'Q'):

Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks! :D

Steve Rodriguez
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