[Tutor] R: Tutor Digest, Vol 125, Issue 49

jarod_v6 at libero.it jarod_v6 at libero.it
Wed Jul 16 10:04:39 CEST 2014

Hi there!!!
I have a file  with this data
['uc002uvo.3 ', 'uc001mae.1']
['uc010dya.2 ', 'uc001kko.2']
['uc003ejx.2 ', 'uc010yfr.1']
['uc001bhk.2 ', 'uc003eib.2']
['uc001znc.2 ', 'uc001efn.2']
['uc002ycq.2 ', 'uc001vnh.2']
['uc001odf.1 ', 'uc002mwd.2']
['uc010jkn.1 ', 'uc010luk.1']
['uc003uhf.3 ', 'uc010tqd.1']
['uc002rue.3 ', 'uc001tex.2']
['uc011dtt.1 ', 'uc001lkv.1']
['uc003yyt.2 ', 'uc003mkl.2']
['uc003pkv.2 ', 'uc003ytw.2']
['uc010bhz.2 ', 'uc002kbt.1']
['uc001wnj.2 ', 'uc009wtj.1']
['uc011lyh.1 ', 'uc003jvb.2']
['uc002awj.1 ', 'uc009znm.1']
['uc010bft.2 ', 'uc002cxz.1']
['uc011mar.1 ', 'uc001lvb.1']
['uc001oxl.2 ', 'uc002lvx.1']

I want to replace of the things after the dots, so I want to have  a file with 
this output:

['uc002uvo ', 'uc001mae']
['uc010dya ', 'uc001kko']

I try to use regular expression but I have  a strange output

with open("non_annotati.csv") as p:
    for i in p:
        lines= i.rstrip("\n").split("\t")
        mit = re.sub(r'(\.\d$)','',lines[0])
        mit2 = re.sub(r'(\.\d$)','',lines[1])
        print mit,mit2

uc003klv.2  uc010lxj
uc001tzy.2  uc011kzk
uc010qdj.1  uc001iku
uc004coe.2  uc002vmf
uc002dvw.2  uc004bxn
uc001dmp.2  uc001dmo
uc002rqd.2  uc010ynl
uc010cvm.1  uc002qjc
uc003ewy.3  uc003hgx
uc002ejy.2  uc003mvb
uc002fou.1  uc010ilx
uc003vhf.2  uc010qlo
uc003mix.2  uc010tdt
uc002nez.1  uc003wxe
uc011cpu.1  uc002keg
uc001ovu.2  uc011dne
uc010zfg.1  uc001jvq
uc010jlf.2  uc011azi
uc001ors.3  uc001vzx
uc010tyt.1  uc003vih
uc010fde.2  uc002xgq
uc010bit.1  uc003zle
uc010xcb.1  uc010wsg
uc011acg.1  uc009wlp
uc002bnj.2  uc004ckd

Where is the error? what is wrong in my regular expression code? 

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