[Tutor] Read, Write, Split and Append lines from a text file

LN A-go-go lnartist at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 19 23:27:27 CEST 2014

I have given it all I got: a week trying to open, read, write, split, append, convert to integers and then manipulate the data.  I have attached the file I want to pull the names and numbers from.  I'll cut and paste it incase that doesn't work and then include a sample of the python shell code.  

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# and now my newbie attempt:
# I can get this far in approach #1
>>> filename = "z:/Geog482/egund919/Program1/BOJ.txt"
>>> myfile = open(filename,"r")
>>> newfile = "z:/Geog482/egund919/Program1/BOJ_B.txt"
>>> mynewfile = open(newfile,"w")
>>> while True:
 line = myfile.readline()
 print line
 if not line: break
States OJ
AK 36
AL 39
AR 39
AZ 45
CA 61
CO 54
CT 61
DC 93
DE 62
FL 51
GA 47
HI 72
IA 54
ID 36
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OH 51
OK 34
OR 57
PA 55
RI 63
SC 45
SD 45
TN 42
TX 44
UT 34
VA 53
VT 67
WA 58
WI 56
WV 43
WY 33

In approach number 2: trying to append, convert to integer, but the list comes up empty:

>>> infile = open('C:/Python27/egund919/Program1/BOJ_B.txt','r')
>>> import string
>>> state_name = []
>>> data_value = []
>>> counter = 0
>>> x = 0
>>> line = infile.readline()
>>> while True:
              line = infile.readline()
              if not line: break
              counter = counter + 1
              States, OJ = string.split(line)
              XSTATES = str(States)
              XNUM = int(OJ)
>>> type(data_value)
<type 'list'>
>>> print(data_value)
>>> print (line)

All I get is errors from here on out.....

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