[Tutor] Unhandled exception

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Jul 22 03:14:13 CEST 2014

"yarteydegreat2 at gmail.com" <yarteydegreat2 at gmail.com> Wrote in message:

I'm glad they were able to help.  But please let me point out a
 few procedural issues, for nex time. 
You started a whole new thread just to say thanks.  You should
 only start one to ask a new question or start a new discussion.  
 Otherwise use reply-list or whatever your program calls it, maybe
 reply-all and remove the recipients other than the list.

You sent this message in html, not in text mode. Always tell your
 mail to use text here.

You top-posted, rather than putting your comments after the
 relevant quotation. 

Thanks for listening. 


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