[Tutor] Coma separated instead TAB separated

Mario Py mariopy at gmx.com
Mon Jun 9 04:11:27 CEST 2014


> How about "," for comma?

LOL! I didn't know, now I know :-)

Thank you also for all additional info.
I printed it out!

> Here is a list of the escape sequences allowed:
> \a	BEL (bell)
> \b	BS (backspace)
> \f	FF (formfeed)
> \n	LF (linefeed or newline)
> \r	CR (carriage return)
> \t	HT (horizontal tab)
> \v	VT (vertical tab)
> \0	NUL (that's a zero, not the letter Oh)
> \\	Backslash
> \'	Single quote
> \"	Double quote
> Of these, the most common one by far is \n.
> There are also escape sequences for arbitrary characters:
> \0dd	Character dd (one or two digits) in octal (base eight)
> \xdd	Character dd (two digits) in hexadecimal (base sixteen)
> In both the \0dd and \xdd cases, the value is limited to the range 0
> through 255. In octal, that's 0 through 377, or in hex it is 0 to FF.
> A backslash followed by a newline (end of line) is a line continuation,
> that is, the newline is ignored:
> s = "this is a really, really, really \
> long string."
> In Unicode strings, you can also use:
> \udddd		Unicode code point U+dddd (four digits) in hexadecimal
> \Uddddddd	Same, but eight digits
> \N{name}	Unicode character called "name"
> (They must be exactly 4 digits or 8 digits, nothing in between).
> Last but not least, any other backslash escape \c gets left alone.

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