[Tutor] code review

Adam Gold awg1 at gmx.com
Wed Jun 11 01:30:54 CEST 2014

On 11/06/14 00:04, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 04:51:20PM +0100, Adam Gold wrote:
>> Hi there.  I've been writing a script that is now finished and working
>> (thanks, in part, to some helpful input from this board).  What I'd
>> really like to do now is go through it with an 'expert' who can point
>> out ways I may have been able to code more efficiently/effectively.  I
>> don't think it would be appropriate to post the whole script here and
>> ask "how could I do this better" (!) so I was wondering if anyone knows
>> of ways for python noobs to connect with python experts for this sort of
>> exercise.  I understand people can be really busy so I'm happy to pay
>> for someone's time if necessary.
> How big is the script? A single file, or hundreds of files? Fifty lines 
> of code? A thousand?

Thanks for the reply Steven.  It's no more than 100 lines at a guess
(I'm quite a noob although I think/hope that the brevity of the script
may be partially attributable to some choices I made).

> In simple English, what does it do? Does it require specialized 
> knowledge to understand?

It's a backup script, more specifically:
- create lv snapshots of pre-selected logical volumes on my server which
are running xen VMs
- dd and bzip2 (using a pipe) the snapshots to .img.bz2 files for
storage on the same server
- gpg encrypt the same files and uploads them to s3
- removes the lv snapshots and the .gpg files
- deletes files in the S3 directory which are older than X days

> Is it available somewhere on the Internet? E.g. on Google code, github, 
> sourceforge, your own personal website? Are there confidentiality 
> restrictions on it?

The are no restrictions (license or otherwise), no confidentiality
issues.  The file is not currently available on the internet but I can
make it available easily enough on pastebin, as a downloadable file etc.

> The answer to these questions will influence the type of code review 
> you get.

I look forward to hearing further thoughts.

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