[Tutor] A couple newbie questions about Python

Lukáš Němec lu.nemec at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 07:49:52 CEST 2014

Hi, responses below...

Dne 11. 6. 2014 22:46, Deb Wyatt napsal(a):
> Hi.  Everywhere I have read, the 'standard practice' for indentation is 4 spaces, but I am running into 2 space indentation in a lot of tutorials and such.  Should I keep with the 4 spaces, or does it even matter, as long as it is consistent?
I recommend to use ammount of spaces that is consistent with already 
existing project.
If it is a new project, use whatever you like - 4 spaces is recommended 
(looks good :)
> I just recently became aware of the inaccuracy of calculations using floats and I am concerned about that.
If there are numerical operations where precision is necessary 
(accounting or banking) use decimal type

from  decimal import Decimal

a = Decimal('0.1')
b = Decimal('0.9')

print a + b

Note these numbers are passed to Decimal as a string, that is for a 
reason - if you pass float to Decimal, it will already loose precision 
and the whole thing doesn't make sense - and aslo will throw an exception.
> I am using Python 3, just fyi.
> Thanks for any enlightenment on these questions.
> Deb in WA, USA
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