[Tutor] python libraries online

Ian D duxbuz at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 19 16:35:16 CEST 2014

> Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 00:30:49 +1000
> From: steve at pearwood.info
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] python libraries online
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 12:59:58PM +0000, Ian D wrote:
>> What does top post mean?
> It means posting at the top of the reply, just as you have done here.
> When you reply to an email, the comments you are replying to are quoted
> with greater-than signs> at the start of each line. There are three
> basic places to insert your replies to the comments being quoted: at the
> top, at the bottom, and interleaved through the middle.
> Here is an example. Suppose I write an email asking two questions:
> Hello, how long should I boil a soft-boiled egg?
> And how many eggs in a dozen?
> (I didn't say they were *good* questions.) You reply, and my comments are quoted:
> === This is top-posting ===
> Oh, about 3 minutes, depending on the size of the egg.
> Twelve eggs.
> Steven asked:
>> Hello, how long should I boil a soft-boiled egg?
>> And how many eggs in a dozen?
> === This is bottom-posting ===
> Steven asked:
>> Hello, how long should I boil a soft-boiled egg?
>> And how many eggs in a dozen?
> Oh, about 3 minutes, depending on the size of the egg.
> Twelve eggs.
> === This is interleaved posting ===
> Steven asked:
>> Hello, how long should I boil a soft-boiled egg?
> Oh, about 3 minutes, depending on the size of the egg.
>> And how many eggs in a dozen?
> Twelve eggs.
> ===================================
> For detailed, complicated discussions where people are replying to
> multiple points, interleaved posting is by far the best. It is like
> carrying on a conversation:
>> Question
> Answer
>> Question
> Answer
>> Point
> Counter-point
>> Question
> Answer
> The context for each answer is right there, next to the answer. It makes
> the email *much* easier to follow when things get technical and
> complicated.
> Top-posting and bottom-posting are okay for short, trivial responses
> where the context is not very important, but sadly they also get used by
> lazy writers who don't care about the people reading the email.
> (I hope I do not offend, but I've been dealing with email for close to
> 20 years and in my experience there are a lot of lazy writers. If you've
> ever asked somebody four questions in an email, and they've fired off a
> reply answering one of them and ignoring the other three, you will know
> what I mean.)
> Top-posting encourages short, snappy responses, where the context can
> be inferred from the subject line or the first few sentences of the
> quoted comments:
> Okay see you there.
>> Hey Bill, meet us at the pub tonight?
> 2pm
>> Sue, what time is the meeting today?
> Yes.
>> Do you want the 2TB hard drive or a 1TB hard drive?
> But for technical discussions, short, snappy responses are often not
> very good. A *discussion* may go back and forth over many different
> points, not just one or two sentence replies. For this reason, in
> technical forums like this one, interleaved posting is MUCH preferred.
> --
> Steven
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Ok and do I leave all this rubbish at the bottom? or edit it. Or is it bad practice to edit someone's text 		 	   		  

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