[Tutor] Help with Guess the number script

Scott W Dunning swdunning at cox.net
Wed Mar 12 01:06:51 CET 2014

On Mar 11, 2014, at 1:49 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Not from the tutor list though. It only has a few
> mails normally - less than 50 most days.
Actually now that you say that most of the emails are coming through the reg python-lists, not the tutor section.  I guess I should just unsubscribe from python-lists because my questions are going through the tutor section for awhile.  
>> I’m not trying to be rude I’m just wondering,
> What tends to irritate folks is the HTML content
> which different readers display differently.
> Especially the indentation which often gets lost.
> You need to explicitly go into your mail tool
> options and select "plain text" rather than
> "rich text" or "HTML" which will likely be the
> default.
> You can often tell if you don't have plain text
> because you will have options to change font,
> size, colour etc. You can't do any of that with
> plain text. But modern mail tools often make it
> very difficult to set plain text, especially
> web based ones.
Yeah, I had no idea that my messages were coming through in HTML, nor what it looked like until someone sent me a section showing me what it looked like, I can see how that would be frustrating.  

I’m using the mail app on my macbook pro, any suggestions on how to stop it from going out as html?  Do I need to change the font?  Also, I think last time I sent a section of my code I copy and pasted it from my script, could that be the problem?

Thanks again!

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